"I am really excited about the upcoming release of Kevin's book. We have discussed some of the adversities people in his book have overcome, and they will serve as an inspiration to anyone facing problems in their lives and give them hope. I am looking forward to reading more and learning the traits they shared that allowed them to change the direction of their lives."
— Fred Miller: Speaker, Author, & Coach
Bridge Over Adversity is a collection of true stories from people who have not just survived catastrophe but risen above. Author Kevin Desrosiers shares these tales of harrowing situations, major losses, and impossible obstacles, as well as the firsthand accounts of what was necessary to overcome it all. In his book, you will learn the common steps they took to escape their nightmares so you can overcome your challenges in life.
Kevin Desrosiers
When Kevin Desrosiers was a child, he noticed his parents struggled and made sacrifices to create a better life for their children. These struggles inspired him to seek out and share other stories about overcoming adversity—and Bridge Over Adversity was born.
Kevin listened to gripping stories, often so painful to hear that Kevin could only interview one person each day, and many of the storytellers themselves had to take breaks to recompose themselves. But although these stories were difficult to hear and to tell, they were also therapeutic—for some, these interviews were the first times they had talked so openly about their struggles.
Each chapter of Bridge Over Adversity (available in October of 2021), tells one of these true stories about facing adversity, rising above it, and becoming a better person. Kevin thoughtfully identifies the common actions that led these storytellers into their situations and the actions they took to overcome their challenges.
Kevin's goal is to inspire others facing adversity—to show how others just like YOU have succeeded in the same challenges YOU might be facing. There is hope!